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  • 13 Basic Angular Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers and Experienced Programmers

13 Basic Angular Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers and Experienced Programmers

No matter if you are a fresher or an experienced application developer, you need to prepare some basic Angular Interview questions and answers. I created this post to give you a helping hand during your preparation process. So, let’s refresh your memory and re-learn some things you already know quickly. The purpose of this practice is to make your Angular job interview merely successful.

1.What is Angular, and why use it?

It is a JavaScript-based structural framework for a versatile web application: Google, and a community of corporation and individual maint this open-source front-end web framework. A developer faces many challenges to create a single page application so that he can get assistance from this framework. You can use HTML as your template language. For expressing different components of your application, you can extend HTML’s syntax.

2. What are services in Angular JS?

Services are singleton objects which are instantiated only once during the lifetime of an application. This service covers different methods that maintain the data of application during its whole life. The primary purpose of an Angular service to organize and share business logic, functions, models or data with various components of an app. Any angular component can invoke functions rendered by an Angular service

.Angular js interview questions services explanation

3. What are the benefits of Angular JS?

It is among the most frequently asked Angular Interview questions. Make sure you have all the benefits with an explanation on your fingertips. A developer can add a custom directive and deal with the challenges of application development by getting help from an extraordinary community support service. Client and server communication is made simpler. This framework provides support for two-way data-binding, RESTful services, validations, static template, and Angular template. Features like Animation and Event Handlers make its a robust framework in the development of a web application.

4. What is string interpolation in Angular?

It is a special type of syntax that let a developer use template expression for displaying the component data. All template expressions are added within double curly braces, i.e. {{ }}. In Angular JS, a developer adds executable JavaScript expressions in double curly braces while its corresponding output is entered into the HTML code. 

5.What do you know about Angular Authentication?

Authentication is a process in which login credentials of a user is passed to an authentic API available on the server. A JWT (JSON Web Token) returns which is a kind of post server-side validation of the credentials. All the information and attributes of the current users are added in JWT. This token is used to identify a user. 

Angular job interview question for preparation

Interviewer may add another related question into the list of top Angular interview questions such as What is authorization? Therefore, try to recall its answer as well.


6.How to generate a class in Angular 7 using CLI?

You can create a class named Dummy with ng generate class Dummy [options]/

Normally, an interviewer sticks with basic Angular interview questions for an entry-level job, but for a high-level position, you can expect some technical Angular interview question. I suggest you do interview preparation based on your level of a job.

7.How do you explain the concept of templates in Angular?

HTML is used for writing templates in Angular. A template comprises of Angular-specific elements and attributes. When this template is combined with information of controller and model, then it offers a dynamic view to meet the needs of a user.

8.What is scope in Angular?

It is an object that demonstrates an application model. All execution context for expression is available in this object. Developers arrange Scopes in a hierarchical structure. Therefore they look exactly alike to application Dom Structure. Scopes are used to watching expressions and propagate events.

9. What are directives in Angular?

It is one of the core Angular Interview questions. Make sure you have some example, ready to explain it a bit. Directives are a core feature of Angular. They are attributes which allow a developer to write new HTML syntax for a specific application. They work as an executable function when the compiler of Angular find them in the DOM. There are three parts of Angular Directives such as Component Directives, Structural Directives and Attribute Directives.

10.How can you Test Angular Applications?

Different tools are used for testing angular application. The most common names are Mocha, Angular Mocks, Karma, Sion and Browserify. Make sure you know a bit about these tools so that you can answer with confidence this common Angular interview question.

11.How to create a service in Angular?

There are three ways to create a service in Angular such as Factor, Service and Provider. You need to register service in the module within which it is going to be executed


12.How do you explain constants in Angular?

Constants and Services are similar to one another in Angular. You can declare Constants in Angular by using the keyword “Constant”. You can inject them anywhere in controller or services

13 What is AngularJS Module?

Place where we write code for our Angular application is known as an Angular Module. We do module writing for making our application code more manageable, readable and testable. All dependencies related to a user are defined within modules.

Wrap up

I hope these basic Angular Interview questions and answers will prove quite useful for a fresher or experienced person. 

Happy job interview preparation!

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