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  • Must Prepare 9 Core .NET Interview Questions and Answers

Must Prepare 9 Core .NET Interview Questions and Answers

A collection of .NET Interview Questions lets you understand how an interviewer can test your skills. A .NET developer is responsible for creating multiple applications, software and programs for web, mobile and Windows-based platforms. Typically, the questions of this interview circle around different concepts such as Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), .NET framework and programming, Windows Controls, and Windows Workflow Foundation.

In this post, you can learn how to answer some core .NET Interview questions. As far as OOP concept are concerns, have a look at another post which unlocks ten commonly asked OOP interview questions. The main goal is to cracks your interview with the best answer and grabs your dream .NET Developer or analyst job in Pakistan.

1.What is .NET and why it is used?

It is pronounced as dot net. This framework uncovers programming guidelines which you can employ to develop multiple applications. You can create applications not only for web and mobile but also for Windows-based portal. The best thing about the .NET framework is that it can work with many different programming languages such as C#, VB.NET Shop, C++ and F#.

2. What you know about  IL?

Developers compile .NET applications in IL (Intermediate Language) which are also known as MSIL is Microsoft Intermediate Language or Common Language Runtime (CLR). MSIL is not a machine-read language. To make it easy to understand for the machine, CLR works with Justin Time Compiler (JTC) and converts it into binary code - which is an easy to understand machine language.

3.What are the various objects in Dataset?

It is a class which is available in the System.Data namespace. Inside the Dataset class, there are some other classes such as Data Table, DataRow, DataColumn, Constraint and DataRelation.

4. What are some traits of an object-oriented language?

OOP or Object Oriented language has four essential traits or concepts such as Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism.

5.What is meant by CTS?

CTS is an acronym of Common Type System which unlock some standard sets of data types. The purpose of this System is to allow two languages to operate together. For example, two languages C# and vb.net wants to communicate with each other. Now compiled code of C# will be converted into int32 of CLR, so it can be understandable for vb.net (this language uses integers)

common type system .net common interview questions with answers

6. What is a NameSpace?

It is a group of classes, structures, delegates, enumerations, and interfaces. All these classes are organized in a logical hierarchy by function. NameSpace lets you access the basic functionality which you want to add in your applications. With the help of Namespace, .NET developers can skip name clashes between classes. Even you can nest different namespaces within each other.


7. What is the use of Inheritance in .NET?

This .net interview question is also one of the common questions asked in OOP interview questions. The concept of Inheritance is present in both OOP and .NET.

Inheritance concept in OOP demonstrates a class that is based on another class. The child class inherits attributes of a parent class. For example, Vehicle is a parent class, while truck and Car are child classes. Now characteristics of truck and cars are based only on vehicles.

The concept of Inheritance is different in .NET. This language supports single Inheritance. It means that a class can inherit only from one other class. For example, Ferrari takes attributes from Car which inherits from vehicle class.inheritance concept .net interview questions

8. Explain the terms “boxing” and “unboxing”.

It is one of those .NET interview questions whose answers will help interview get a clear idea about your understanding for data types and OOP principles. Boxing is a method through which value types turned into an object type. For this purpose, a developer box the variable inside a dedicated object. On the other hand, unboxing is a process through which this value is extracted and stored in a value type. In old times, Boxing was used for collection types. But still, many developers use it for making an accurate conversion of sorts.

9. What’s the difference between .NET and Laravel?

This is one of the most commonly asked .NET interview questions, so it is essential to prepare it right away. The main reason for asking this question is to test how you know about different frameworks that are used for application development. Therefore, you must know some fundamental differences between .NET and another framework commonly used for creating an application. Knowledge is Power.

.NET is a general-purpose development platform that allows a developer to employ multiple languages, libraries, and editors and develop apps for mobile, gaming, web and desktop.

On the other hand. Laravel is a web application framework that uses PHP and brings an expressive and elegant syntax for a web developer. Many painful development tasks such as authentication, routing, caching, and sessions are made more accessible by Laravel.

Wrap up

I hope the above-mentioned .NET interview questions and answers will make your preparation very easy. Make sure you go through all different programming concepts before you leave for an interview. I wish you all the best and ultimate success in your career you pursue after getting a Programmer job Pakistan.

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